Working package
Biogeophysical models and downscaling approaches for theoretical scenarios of past and future dynamics of the Humboldt Current System (HCS).
This team will integrate empirical data generated by the rest of the working packages through biogeophysical models and/or downscaling approaches. Likewise, it will generate validated theoretical scenarios on past and future dynamics of HCS for understanding convergences/divergences in the dynamics of upwelling, as well as impacts on past societies and ecosystems.
Principal investigator
Catalina Aguirre
Oceanographer, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. PhD in Engineering Sciences (specialized in Fluid Dynamics), Universidad de Chile.
Adjunct researcher
Boris Dewitte
Oceanographer, University of Toulouse. PhD in Physical Oceanography, University of Toulouse, France.
Young researcher
Carlos Lara
Marine Biologist, Universidad Austral de Chile. PhD in Biology and Applied Ecology, Universidad Católica del Norte.
Senior researcher
José Rutllant
Civil Electrical Engineer, Universidad de Chile. PhD in Climatology, University of Wisconsin, USA.
Postdocs researcher
Matías Pizarro-Koch
Marine Biologist, Universidad Católica del Norte.
D. in Oceanography, Universidad de Concepción.