Understanding Past coastal upWelling systems and Environmental Local and Lasting impacts

We study co-evolutionary relationships between socio-cultural and biophysical systems that form along the Chilean sector of the Humboldt Current System (HCS) over the last 12,000 years.


UPWELL is an interdisciplinary center focused on long-term dynamics and interconnections between oceanographic, atmospheric, hydrological, ecological and social processes.
Our purpose is to reconstruct the history of the Humboldt Current System using a socio-ecological perspective. We will use our scientific knowledge to contribute to understanding the social impacts and challenges imposed by ongoing climate change, in terms of mitigation and adaptation, along one of the most important upwelling systems of the world.

Study Areas

Working packages

In order to generate frontier science on the co-evolution between biophysical and social systems of the Humboldt Current System (HCS), UPWELL is organized into five working packages that articulate our research areas and generate interdisciplinary scientific knowledge.

Human-Environment interaction

Archaeological evidence for human adaptive strategies and cultural practices.

Humboldt Biogeochemistry

Direction, magnitude and chronology of changes in environmental conditions.

Humboldt Ecology

Taxonomic and functional structure of the ecosystems of the Humboldt Current System (HCS). Physical and biotic data to calibrate and validate models.


Biogeophysical models and downscaling approaches for the theoretical scenarios of past and future dynamics of the Humboldt Current System (HCS).

Social Impacts


Translate UPWELL data and findings into decision-making products.


Hosting Institutions

Funding Institution